Using Style Sheets
Style Sheets, or Cascading Style Sheets, are a very powerful tool for the web site developer. They allow you totake control over the look and feel of the web pages and to create a consistent design, layout, and color scheme throughout your entire site. The capabilities of style sheets have expanded greatly over the years giving the designer much more control over the appearance of their sites. Originally when HTML was first invented, style was not a consideration therefore tags were added into later releases of HTML that could add style and color to a web site, but the purpose of HTML was to define the structure of the page, not to incorporate style. Eventually Style Sheets were released as a tool to incorporate style into a web site and to take away the styling duties of HTML. As Style Sheets became more and more powerful, many of the non-structural HTML tags became obsolete and some current browser releases have even stopped recognizing them altogether. Cascading Style Sheets can be applied to a web site at three different levels: